Post production: Day 4

This was our last day working within the sound theatre and it would be spent entirely on mixing a final mix that’d be approved by the director. We would arrive at around 10am and we had the director coming in at 3pm so we would have to work efficiently to ensure we had a near complete film.


The first initial call of action was to refer to the sheet that I made reference to in day 3. As this was time stamped it was simply a case of going through every single note and applying the relevant changes. Using this sheet as a point of reference made both Ed and mines job a lot efficient time wise which in turn, would allow us a lot more when it came to creating a final mix. One key contribution I put forward within this day was the inclusion of more non-diegetic sound which would create a wider sonic environment within the film. This included adding automated reverb to certain tracks such as background shouting. This was so done with aim of making our piece seem larger than the screen it was on and in turn, hopefully more immersive to the viewer.


We would then turn everything down in the mix and go through scene by scene adding each individual element into the mix. This is a stage we took a lot of time into as we wanted to ensure every element got through and sat correctly in the mix, their isn’t any point of having well produced effects if nobody can hear them.


Once this was done, we would have one more play through before our director and editor both turned up. From the initial play through they didn’t notice any huge problems, was simply a recommendation of moving a few music cues slightly earlier so they would come in a bit earlier. After making these amendments we would have one more play through before they were happy to sign it off.

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