Week 4: Lecture with Jez Riley-French

For this weeks guest lecture, we had a visit from Jez Riley-French an experimental sound artist who’s notable projects included teleferica and island fjorar. Although this lecture wasn’t specific to my film project, a lot of the skills discussed in this lecture were transferable and therefore, useful. One of the key methods that Jez got across was the idea to record as much of a location as possible, as you can typically find a more interesting recording.


As well as discussing the creative aspect of experimental recording, Jez also focusing on the technical side, as someone who creates his own contact microphones, he gave me and the rest of the students a lot of encouragement to go out and make our own contact microphones as the cost is incredibly low.


Overall this lecture was incredibly motivating, as someone who lacks interest in sound art; it actually convinced me to think creatively and approach sound recording in a  very different manner.

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